Expert Opinions

Expert Opinion on Spiritual Awakening

Carl shares, “A spiritual awakening awakens us to what matters most in this life. It reminds us that what’s most important of all is our relationship with ourselves, [with] each other, to our world, and to a transcendental force. What matters most is bringing loving compassion to all these many relationships.”

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Expert Opinion on Power Couples

Carl shares, “We all know that true power doesn’t lie in these lesser realms [of wealth and fame], regardless of cultural narratives that tell us they do. We know that true power lies in our relationships with one another. As such, the true power couple is the couple who, together, creates a relationship rich in connection, belonging, and mutuality,”

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Expert opinion for Huffington Post

Carl shares insights on having “the talk” with your teen about what they wear, insights such as… “Teens want a growing level of independence from parents, so they will, in general, ask for control over almost everything in their lives, including clothing choices, even when it’s to their own detriment… A hard ‘no’ often creates compliance at home and rebellion outside of the home…”

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Expert opinion on developing a growth mindset.

Carl shares insights such as, “With a growth mindset, you believe you can gain expertise in just about anything if you simply give yourself the time and gain experience in it. Your future is not defined by your past, but instead, your future is yours to create.”

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Expert Opinion on Isolation & Online Social Engagement

Carl shared insights such as, “We know that we, as humans, are meant for each other. We feel better when we see and hear words of affirmation from people around us. We feel worse when there’s no one around us to affirm our worth. It’s no wonder isolation is strongly correlated with both depression and anxiety.”

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Expert Advice on Mother’s Day After Divorce

Carl talks about how to care for yourself on Mother’s Day after a divorce. It’s a touching article and Carl’s guidance includes slowing down, expecting some hard moments and caring for yourself in them, and not going it alone.

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Expert Opinion on Overcoming Test Anxiety

Carl explains why we get test anxiety, how we can care for ourselves when this happens to us, and he reminds us that “test scores don’t measure the most important things, things like our growing capacity to build healthy relationships, or our natural curiously, or our desire to care for and understand our world.”

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Expert Opinion on Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse

Carl explains how narcissists can hook us in, chew us up, and spit us out, and how to free ourselves and heal if this happens to us.

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Expert Opinion on Chronic Illness.

Carl explains how chronic illness can create a change in your very identity: He talks about what you can do dramatically changing… but the world around you seeming unchanged.

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Expert Opinion about Personality Change in Medical News Today

Carl talks about the four mechanisms involved in personality change, and explains how you and I can put them into practice. Among the many quotes of Carl’s included here is this one, “If you want to proceed, my advice would be: Don’t do this alone.”

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Expert Opinion on How Strengths, When Overused, Can Become Weakness.

Carl talks about how we live in a culture that encourages us to be driven and highly motivated, and how this can encourage us to go out into the world and build new and exciting things… but, on the flip side, being driven can have us downplaying time spent with each other and time doing things that grant us renewal. Carl goes on to explain how to we can come to see who we really are and who we’re becoming, so we can shift course and live our best lives.

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Expert Opinion on Empathic Listening

Carl’s quoted here talking about the art of listening in a way that helps people feel truly heard, deeply understood, and genuinely cared for.

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Expert Opinion on Cultural Dimensions

Carl comments on the different dimensions of culture, and is quoted explaining, “For most of humanity’s 200,000 year history on this planet, we grew up in villages... But, beginning some 20,000 years ago, and accelerating over the past 500 years, the collective village cultures of the earth were overrun by a consumer culture, a culture that abandoned the security we found with each other and replaced it with the security of individual fiscal wealth.”

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Expert Opinion for Forbes

Carl helps readers understand how health insurance covers mental health therapy in the US, and how to put your health insurance to good use.

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Expert Opinion on Recidivism

Carl talks about how people released from jails and prisons can build new relationships, a sense of place, and a new life for themselves.

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Expert Opinion on Disagreements — LifeHacker

Carl explains why it’s seldom a good idea to “go along to get along”, because we give up our authentic voice when we do so, and offers his ideas on how to disagree with gentleness.

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Expert Opinion on Narcissist Parents - BestLife Magazine

Carl explains how narcissistic parents impact their children, explaining how these children learn to repress their emotions, how the become caregivers not care-receivers, and how they say “yes” time and again when they really want to say “no”.

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Article on responding to attacks: The Jimmy Kimmel - Aaron Rogers feud - USA Today

Carl explains that when we’re attacked, we can respond in one of three ways (avoid, attack, or approach), and details how Kimmel’s response displays healthy ways to defend yourself.

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Article on Imposter Syndrome - Crain Currency

Carl explains how, when we’re trying to perform difficult tasks and when we’re working with highly demanding people, we can have the experience of feeling like an imposter.

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Expert Opinion for Discover Magazine

Carl explains that “our brains evolved over our 200,000 years of history, and much of this evolution is positive, such as our connection to each other. Our brains also evolved in ways that were important to protect us and keep us alive...”

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Expert Opinion for Fox News

Carl talks about the loneliness that can accompany aging, and how we can find our way home to each other at any age.

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Expert Opinion on Slowing Down & Moving Through

Carl shares insights like, “While it may sound paradoxical at first, the surest way to make an unwelcome experience shorter is to welcome it.”

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Article on Overprotective Parenting

Carl talks about how kids want freedom on the one hand, and safety and protection on the others, and how to balance these competing needs.

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Article on Separation Anxiety

Here, Carl shares guidance such as , “People with separation anxiety struggle to tell the difference between loneliness, the experience of believing there’s no one here to love you, and of being alone, the experience of solitude that can arrive with time to rest and rejuvenate,” says Nassar.

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Article on “Zoom Fatigue”

Carl talks about Zoom fatigue, explaining our brains are wired for in-person interactions, and don’t expect so many of our interactions to be on-screen.

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Article on Emotional Contagion

In this article, Carl explains how emotions can transfer from one person to the next, starting with “First, there’s mimicry — you smile, and my face just smiles with you. Then…”

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Article on Empathic Listening

Carl is featured in this VeryWell article on empathic listening, sharing ideas like, “When you empathically listen, you’re giving someone a gift — the gift of being seen and the gift of feeling known.”

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Article on What to Do In Your Life

Carl’s quoted in this Forage piece about choosing your career when you just don’t know what to do. Carl shares, in part, “Humans can’t know, they can’t possibly know, without experiencing. So, rather than pressure yourself to know, instead go and give yourself a wide range of experiences.”

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Article on Talking about Divorce

Carl’s quoted in this Parade magazine article, an article about what to say (and what not to say) to a friend who’s divorcing. One of Carl’s many suggestions includes sharing, “Let’s just sit here. I’ll hold your hand.”

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Article on Trash Talking

In this Communication Intelligence Magazine article titled “Trash Talking Behavior Creates Competitive Motivation and Costly Behaviors”, Carl explains the harm caused in shameful transactions such as trash talking, and offers a more compassionate communication approach.

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Article on Parenting and Homework

Carl talks about how to support your kids with their homework, offering suggests like, “Find your calm. Help your child find their calm. Only then do you talk homework specifics together."

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Article on How Couples Can Enjoy More Quality Time

Carl was quoted in the Cosmopolitan article “13 Hobbies for Couples to Try That’ll Give You Some Quality Time Together“. Here, Carl offers suggestions on how couples can make time to truly enjoy one another, taking time out of their often all-too-busy lives.

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Article on How Couples Heal After an Affair

Carl was quoted in The Indepedent article “Can you really salvage a marriage if you’ve been cheated on?” Here, Carl talks about how marriages change following an affair. He explains how an affair can bring a marriage into the foreground of our all-too-busy lives, and how it is often possible for couples to build a new relationship together after the affair.”

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Article on Happier Marriages

Carl was quoted Carl was quoted in “Want A Happier Marriage? Stop Asking Your Partner To "Show The Receipts.” Here, Carl talks about the importance of responding empathically to the emotional content of what your partner is sharing, and instead of focusing only on the words themselves.

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Article on Eggshell Parenting

Carl was quoted in the article Eggshell Parenting: What it is and how to stop it’s toxic impact on families. He speaks to how this parenting style not only impacts the child’s relationships with his or her parents today, but how it can shape their future relationships for the remainder of their lives… until they find loving support.

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